Monday, July 23, 2007

How to get rid of wrinkles

Aging is a constant, predictable process that involves growth and development of living organisms. Aging can't be avoided, but how fast we age varies from one person to another. How we age depends upon our genes, environmental influences, and life style.
The root of having wrinkles is lack of moisture in the middle layer of our skin, which is known as ‘dermis’. The top layer of our skin is visible and carries the reflection of the middle layer of the skin. A protein in the middle layer of our skin holds moisture and gives elastic effect in our skin. As we grow older this protein starts reducing and lowers the capacity of holding sufficient moisture in the middle layer. Due to the lack of moisture and protein in the middle layer, the elasticity of our skin starts disappearing and wrinkles appear.
What Can Cause Wrinkles to Appear?
There are several other factors behind wrinkles:
• Smoking of cigarette
• Staying under the direct sun
• Lacking of moisture
• Damaging the middle layer
• Hormonal imbalance
Simple Things You Can Do From Home to Combat Wrinkles?
Step 1: Work Hard to Stop Smoking: Premature wrinkles are the lines on the skin that appears at early age. Smoking cigarettes or cigars or taking tobacco always harm your skin. Too much intake of tobacco reduces the moisture of our skin and its elasticity, especially around their mouth and under their eyes.
Step 2: Keep Your Skin Moisturized with All Natural Lotions.
Step 3: Avoid Direct Sunlight: Staying under the sun for a long duration can damage your skin. The moisture in the middle layer may reduce and create wrinkles on the face and other parts of the body. So try to avoid the habit of staying under the sun and keep your skin moisturized with plenty of lotion.
Step 4: Drink Plenty of Water: Drinking Water and taking anti-oxidant rich tea baths on regular basis and drinking sufficient water everyday helps your skin hold enough moisture and avoid wrinkles.
Home Wrinkle Treatments & Recipes:
Recipe # 1: Rub the core of pineapple on the face for a few minutes and leave for 10-15 minutes. This is excellent for fine wrinkles.
Recipe # 2: Apply juice of green pineapples and apples on the face daily and leave for 10-15 minutes. This is excellent for fine wrinkles as well as cracked skin.
Recipe # 3: Blemishes and age spots can become fainter by applying lemon juice a few times a day.
.Recipe # 4: Apply a paste of turmeric powder with sugarcane juice to remove wrinkles.

Old Hackers, New Hackers: What's the Difference

Apparently, to people enamored of the 'old school' of hackers, like StevenLevy or Clifford Stoll, there is a big difference. Indeed, to the 'oldstyle' MIT/Stanford hackers, they resent the bestowal of their honoredtitle on 'those people' by the media... to many people, 'hacker' isreserved for a class of people in the 60s, a certain 'breed' of programmerwho launched the 'computer revolution,' but just can't seem to be foundaround any more... according to these 'old school' hackers, hacking meant awillingness to make technology accessible and open, a certain 'love affair'with the computer which meant "they would rather code than sleep." It meanta desire to create beauty with computers, to liberate information, todecentralize access to communication...
But what about the 'new' hackers? Many of the 'old' hackers think theydon't deserve the name, preferring to call them 'computer criminals,''vandals,' 'crackers,' 'miscreants,' or in a purely generational swipe,'juvenile delinquents.' The media uses the word 'hacker' to refer to young,clever computer users who use their modems to break into systems withoutauthorization, much as depicted in the movie War Games. And the old schoolhackers resent this. Many of the new hackers aren't good programmers; theyare just people without ethics who have no reservations about swipingpasswords, codes, software, and other information and trading them withtheir friends. They may be good at exploiting security holes in systems,but all they succeed in doing (say people like Stoll) is destroying thetrust on which open networks are built.
I am interested, needless to say, in the generational aspect to this battleover the name 'hacker'. Most of the old hackers of the 60s are of coursenow living in the 90s - Baby Boomers who, like their ex-hippie friends,went from 'freak' to 'straight,' finding jobs in computer security firmsand corporate software conglomerates. And like other counterculturalistsfrom the 60s, they just can't seem to figure out this Generation X formingthe counterculture of the 90s... where's the openness? The idealism? These"juvenile delinquents" just don't live up to the high moral standards ofthe 60s nostalgiacs like Levy and Stoll. But then, Levy rants about thosegreat hackers who founded Apple Computer and launched the PC revolution -those same ex-phreaks, Jobs and Wozniak, who actually allowed their companyto patent their system hardware and software!
The "cyberpunks" of the 90s, it seems, just don't live up to what peoplelike Stoll and Levy expect of them. And all the old 'hackers' go to greatpains to define themselves apart from the new breed of 'hackers,' alwaysgroaning in angst when the label continues to be applied to them. I wouldargue that the hackers of the 90s are not so different from the hackers ofthe 60s, that indeed, the same exploratory, antiauthoritarian, liberatoryimpulses are at work; it is simply that the hackers of the 60s do notunderstand the situation in which we live, and this is probably becausethey read 60s hippie lit rather than 90s cyberpunk SF... the 'old hackers'are simply too comfortable to be afflicted... they don't understand why thenew 'hacker' does what he does.
According to Levy, the differences between the old and new hackers arestark and clear. The first group strove to create, the second strives todestroy and tamper, he says. The first group loved control over theircomputers, but the second group loves the power computers gives them overpeople. The first group was always seeking to improve and simplify; thesecond group only exploits and manipulates. The first group did what theydid because of a feeling of truth and beauty in their activities; thesecond group hacks for profit and status. The first group was communal andclosely knit, always sharing openly their new hacks and discoveries; thesecond, he says, is paranoid, isolated, and secretive. For Levy, the oldhackers were computer wizards, but the new hackers are computer terrorists,always searching for new forms of electronic vandalism or maliciousnesswithout thought of the consequences.
But where Levy sees differences, I see some curious similarities. Old-styleMIT 'hackers' were rather well-known for getting around locks of both thephysical and electronic variety. Is there such a difference between therighteous anger of the MIT hacker toward the IBM 'priesthood' who kept himaway from the massive mainframe, and the 90s hacker who feels righteousanger over being prevented access from huge commercial databases without anexpensive account? The old MIT hackers were also known for theirexploration of the phone system, and exploring 'hacks' to make calls tounsuspecting places for free. Indeed, many of the early hackers were phonephreaks, plain and simple, ripping off service from the phone company (THEcompany, AT & T, alias Ma Bell, back then), which they resented for itsrefusal to share the technical information about telephony.
The 60s hackers were known for their desire for liberating information.They openly shared source code; members of the Homebrew Computer Club alsoopenly shared with each other the flaws of various machines, and 'hacks' toget around their lack of performance. Since Levy seems to think thatsoftware piracy should not be a crime (since he thinks source code shouldnot be copyrighted), his problem with the 'new hackers' does not appear tobe piracy. Neither does it appear to be the open sharing of some admittedlydangerous 'real-world' information taken straight from books like theAnarchist Cookbook on how to make bombs and drugs. Rather, it seems tofocus around the malicious misdeeds of a small minority, dedicated tospreading Trojan horses, logic bombs, viruses, worms, and other destructiveprograms...
In actuality, the majority of viruses (such as the Christmas virus) areharmless. They eat up small fractions of CPU space and are designed, ratherthan to wipe clean someone's hard drive, to just display a message at agiven time. They are, in short, pranks - something that Levy also pointsout the old MIT hackers were overfond of. They were known for playingcomplex tricks on people, and were masters of "social engineering" - theart of manipulating technocrats by being a good bull**** artist - just asthe 90s hackers are... their elaborate games and pranks often being ways todemonstrate their superiority to the faculty, administrators, or other"know-it-alls" who they felt got in their way of their access tocomputers...
In "invading" corporate voicemail systems, the modern 90s hackers are nodifferent than the 60s MIT hackers mapping out the labyrinths of the MITunderground tunnel system. They do it for the same reasons: because theyare told not to, because the conduits often lead to surprising places,because the activity is basically harmless even though it is declaredunauthorized or even illegal, and because it gives them a feeling ofmastery and control over a complex problem. The simple fact is, most of the90s hackers are not wantonly malicious or destructive. Indeed, manysubscribe to an updated 90s Hacker Ethic, declaring that they will not"hack" personal privacy or the personal computer user, instead declaringthat their "targets" will be large, unresponsive corporations orbureaucratic government organizations...
But the main reason for the difference between the 60s and 90s hackers isthat the GenXers are a "post-punk" generation, hence the term, "cyberpunk."Their music has a little more edge and anger and a little less idealism.They've seen the death of rock n'roll, and watched Michael Bolton andWhitney Houston try and revive its corpse. Their world is a little moremulticultural and complicated, and less black-and-white. And it is one inwhich, while computers can be used to create beauty, they are also beingused to destroy freedom and autonomy... hence control over computers is anact of self-defense, not just power-hunger. Hacking, for some of the new'hackers,' is more than just a game, or a means to get goodies withoutpaying for them. As with the older generation, it has become a way of life,a means of defining themselves as a subculture...
Many of them are quite deliberately 'nonviolent' in their ambitions. Theywill not lock others out from their accounts, damage or change data withoutpermission, or do anything to jeopardize system viability. Instead, theyenter computer systems to 1) look around and see what's there (if someonebreaks into your house, looks at the posters on your wall, then locks thedoor on the way out, have they committed a crime?) 2) see where else theycan go from where they are (what connections can be pursued?) and 3) takeadvantage of any unique abilities of the machine that they've accessed.MIT's hackers did all of these things and more with the various mainframesthey were 'forbidden' to access and explore... they questioned the right oftechnocrats to limit access, and openly transgressed their arbitrarylimitations based on invoked mantras of the preciousness of computer time.
Indeed, the 90s hackers pay a lot of homage to the first generation. Theyhave borrowed much of their jargon and certainly many of their ideas. Theirmodus operandi , the PC, would not be available to them were it not for theway the 60s hackers challenged the IBM/corporate computer model and madepersonal computing a reality... their style, their use of handles, theirlove for late-night junk food, are all testaments to the durability andtransmission of 60s Hacker culture. So why are the biographers of the 60shackers so antagonistic and hostile to the new 90s hackers? Do they sensesome sort of betrayal of the original Hacker Ethic and its imperatives? Isit just the classic refusal to pass a torch onto a new generation?
Breaking into the root node of a UNIX network or the system manager accountof a VAX network takes nimble thinking and clever programming. It oftentakes a knowledge of various loopholes in the system, and clever tricksthat can be done with its coding. It often requires unorthodox uses ofstandard applications. In short, it requires hacking in the oldest and bestsenses of the term. In doing it, many 90s hackers seek to expand theirknowledge of the system and its capabilities, not to sabotage the effortsof others or wreck the system. Phreaks, in 'hacking' the phone system, aresimply acting in the centuries-old tradition of American radicals who havealways challenged the ways in which corporate and governmental structuresprevent people from free association with their peers... challenging thenotion that "to reach out and touch someone" should be a costly privilegerather than a right.
Someday, the old and new 'hackers' may sit down, and discuss theircommonalities rather than their differences. They may realize that theyshare an alienation from the existing system. They might find out that theyhave motivations and principles in common. Most importantly, they mightstop competing with each other for a mantle or title. The old hackers mightsee the ways in which their countercultural visions failed to take accountof new realities, and they might provide a sense of communal vision andpurpose for the often backstabbing and self-aggrandizing new hackers. Ifthey were to actually team up, it might be mean what Bruce Sterling calls"the End of the Amateurs." And the beginning of "Computer Lib?"

How to Stay Young Forever

Some people believe that aging is inevitable and that to stay young forever is impossible। But, the science of aging is continually advancing and we are gradually learning what can be done to stay young--or at least a little younger--forever.

Don't smoke. Period. It increases free radicals, which lead to cell death, it wrecks your lungs so you can't exercise and it affects your social life.
Step Two
Eat your essential fatty acids. The American Heart Association recommends you eat fish twice a week to get enough omega-3, omega-6 and DHA into the body. It helps cells be flexible and permeable and has been shown to be an important part of the cells of the nervous system, blood vessels and skin. That means they help with the wrinkles and the brains, isn't that perfect? Oily fish is the best, but not because it's deep fried with chips.
Step Three
Maintain a healthy weight. Overweight is hard on the joints and it's hard on the heart that has to work overtime to carry the extra weight. Not only that, but fat can sit in nasty places like artery walls where it stops blood from getting where it needs to go. Heart attacks are not very youthful. Underweight isn't much better. Bones and muscles get robbed of building material to give the rest of the body energy. It wrecks your kidneys and can lead to early menopause and osteoporosis.
Step Four
Include lots of colorful vegetables in your diet, especially orange and yellow ones, which are a high source of beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is an antioxidant which means it can fight free radicals in the body. It helps the body's cells stay on a normal healthy path rather than wander off and die or become cancerous. Beta carotene also is converted into vitamin A, which helps keep your skin young and your eyes working.
Step Five
Work your heart. Cardiovascular exercise, also known as aerobic exercise is a workout that makes your heart muscle pump a little harder for a period of time. By keeping the heart muscle in shape, it is less likely to deteriorate. By keeping the heart muscle strong and pumping, blood pressure is lowered and blood flows to more places in the body. Blood flow to the skin, the brain and the digestive system, are healthy, youthful body attributes.
Step Six
Stay strong. Do weight training at least twice a week. Strong muscles lead to strong bones, which don't break as easily. Broken hips make you feel old. Strong muscles give you independence to do simple things like open jars and chop wood.
Step Seven
Balance. Balance deteriorates with age, but it can be trained and maintained. Practicing balance by doing yoga or dancing or even standing on one leg in the kitchen is great neuromuscular exercise. In other words it keeps the body and brain in touch. If you have balance you reduce your chances of falling and testing your bones for strength.
Step Eight
Think. Use your brain to learn, do crossword puzzles, math problems or simply read stimulating material. If you don't use it, you lose it. Research has consistently shown that older adults who are regularly stimulating their brains are less prone to mental deterioration.
Step Nine
Be young. Laugh, dance, visit, and explore new things. Attitude is everything.


This remarkable incident happened in China. The Life newspaper managed to contact Chinese journalists and find out the details of this amazing story.
There was a usual Chinese family. The wife (her name was Ji) was a teacher at the University and the husband (Gven) was a manager of some commercial firm. They have been together for 12 years and a son is a fruit of their happy marriage. The people around always considered them to be the perfect couple and envied their love. But then it seemed to the spouses there was something missing in their relationship.
One fine evening Ji went to the Internet class after work, turned a computer on and surfed on the world wide web. Then she suddenly posted a message, a very open message to the mail box of one of “women-seek-men” sites. The subject of the e-mail was: “I Want You” with the signature “Seductive Woman”. This adventurous message got 5 thousand replies from men! Some of them were asking tons of questions to her, others were offering to meet that instant, promising fantastic sex and loads of other enjoyment. Ji selected several dozens of all those letters. Her husband’s e-mail was among them! She did not know about it though.
Doing some business for his company Gven was surfing the net for hours until he suddenly came across the site which his wife had sent a message to. He was about to shut the computer down, when he saw the subject of one of the messages “I Want You”. “Why not?”,- was Gven’s idea. His reply was as follows: “My dearest, I have been waiting for you for my entire life! I had a presentiment our meeting would take place eventually. I am happy! Kisses”. And the signature was “Your Lover”. He realized there were thousands of such men in China and was not hoping for a respond. You can imagine he was jumping for joy after it actually happened. The Seductive Woman wrote to her Lover: “I am undressing you. You are so sweet”.
The computer love affair was developing very fast, in just a couple of days the spouses warned each other they would stay longer at work than usual. They sat at their computers and were writing the most intimate fantasies to each other, their desires, Ji made complaints about her husband who she was tired of. He was on his way to Seductive Woman’s heart with the words of admiration and love, he was writing beautiful poems to her. On their way back home they were looking for explanations for they were expecting a scandal. Ji was going to tell Gven she was talking to a friend of hers all night long and Gven referred to some urgent work he had to do with a trip to the neighborhood.
The spouses met at the doors of their apartment. “Where are you coming from that late?” was the question they asked to each other simultaneously. They narrated their made up stories and went to bed.
The Lover and the Seductive Woman communicated via the net daily afterwards. Each day drew them closer to each other. Finally Gven’s patience was exhausted and he wrote: “My beautiful dream! I have known you for a month only, but it seems to me I have known you for my whole life! You are my ideal and I am full of desire to meet you in reality”. She replied she was dreaming about the real meeting as well. The Lover set the date on the small old bridge in the center of the city. She gave her consent to come. They agreed they would recognize each other holding a newspaper in their hands.
Ji was the first who recognized him. She fainted. Gven rushed over to her and when he recognized his own wife instead of the beautiful stranger, he was shocked.
When Ji recovered, she started beating her husband all over. She was yelling she hated him, that he was spying on her underhandedly. “You are spying on me yourself!” – the furious husband was screaming back. Only the police managed to pull them apart. At the police station they narrated their story and started laughing their heads off. It was time to call 911.
Ji and Gven left the police holding each other by their hands. Now they assure they are the ideal couple in China. “Just think about it – I chose her from a billion of the Chinese and she chose me – isn’t this a miracle?” – Gven says. The happy couple says they will never be apart: for a month of computer communication they learned more about themselves than during those 12 years of marriage.

cyberlaundering with a twist

What's the latest in Internet-based money laundering of stolen credit cards? It is called e-fencing, and works like this: Criminals take the numbers from stolen credit cards and purchase gift cards online. Then they immediately offer to sell the gift cards at a deep discount on any one of the Internet's many private sale websites. A thrifty purchaser, thinking he or she has found a great bargain, snaps up the gift card and redeems it, or sells to to another unsuspecting consumer. The criminal pockets his profit, and moves on to another stolen credit card number. Have you ever purchased something on the Internet at a deep discount? Didn't you ever think that it might be stolen, or purchased with stolen money?
The gift card scam is so effective, because it converts the stolen credit card number into an item that can be easily vended. Even after the card is cancelled, the gift card purchase generally has neither been discovered, nor cancelled. This method effectively extends the usable life of the stolen credit card number past its cancellation by the owner.So, how to ensure that you do not, unwittingly, take part in this illicit scheme?
Easy; do not buy any form of financial instrument, like a gift card, from a private source, no matter how much you trust the website. if you want a gift card, go to the store, or to the official store website.
When something offered to you is too good to be true, it is usually tied into a criminal act, a fraud, a counterfeit, or something else you do want to deal with. Purchasing anything at a deep discount, obviously below cost, is dangerous and could ultimately hurt you far more than the cheap purchase price.
Be cautious whenever something offered to you is brand-new. It may have been illegally purchased just prior to being offered to you.Cyberlaundering continues to evolve; watch out for new developments as they surface.

How to Get Rid of Wrinkles Without Anti-Aging Creams

Wrinkles are the nemesis of the aging woman. You can spend a fortune on lotions and potions to put onto your face, but do they really work? Fight the look of aging and get younger looking skin from the inside.

Things You'll Need
Facial lotion
Healthy food

Step One
Understand that wrinkles are a result of the breakdown of collagen and elastin fibers in the dermis layer of the skin. This is way below any cells that are getting sloughed off of the epidermis during resurfacing by chemicals or lasers. And it will take a mighty powerful lotion to absorb that deep down.
Step Two
Be sun safe. Sadly, most of the damage the sun did to your skin probably happened about ten or twenty years ago. The good news is, unless you don't intend on living another ten years, then it is totally worth it to start using sun protection now. The best sun protection is no sun, so wear hats and sunglasses whenever you expect to be exposed to the sun, even in the winter.

Step थ्री

Opt for dermal abrasion of some sort. Lasers and chemical peels of varying intensities and varying costs are available. These remove the first few layers of epidermis and reveal fresh new skin. Or you can have your wrinkles filled with something (there's lots of filler out there). But none of these techniques last more than a year or two.

Step फोर

Maintain a healthy diet with a variety of proteins and lots of colorful fruits and vegetables.

Step फाइव

Relax. You can actually reduce those tension lines between your eyebrows if you consciously decide to do so. Remind yourself to do it regularly; scrunching up your eyebrows is a habit that can be unlearned.

Step सिक्ष्

Try facial exercises। Building muscle tone and increasing circulation is the best way to address the underlying skin tissue where wrinkles originate. There are lots of books and Web sites that demonstrate facial exercises. Use a mirror and be consistent in your exercise program. Don't expect instant results; muscles take about six weeks to respond completely to new exercises.

How to Eliminate Neck Bumps

In order to eliminate neck bumps from the back of your head you first need to understand what hair bumps are and where they come from। This will enable you to form a successful plan of attack. Bumps that appear around the back of your neck and hairline are a direct result of ingrown hairs. Ingrown hairs develop at the end of the hair shaft. They have a sharpened edge and they attempt to grow straight, however something prevents them from doing this and as a result, they curl back into the same hair follicle. This creates dreadful, ugly, and often confidence destroying neck bump, which is nothing more than an inflammatory response by your body to the infection caused by the ingrown hair. This inflammatory response or neck bump can often be visually seen as a: pustules, mini red bumps, or purple raised bumps. The infected areas are often itchy and spread quickly as a result of you starchy them causing more abrasion and opening the skin up to more bacteria and infections. This condition is often known as Pseudofolliculitis barbae.


Difficulty: Easy

Things You'll नीद

Time, bacteria soap, & a quality product.

Step वन

How to Eliminate Hair Bumps? Step One: Find a hair bump-destroying product that is extremely effective. Writing this article as a man, having first hand experience with severe facial razor bumps and infected ingrown hairs, I can tell you that I have tried everything, including expensive antibiotics from the doctor, Skin Tight, Tight End, and countless numbers of other razor bump solutions from CVS and Target. I even paid for specialized consultations with my dermatologist. Nothing worked. But, one day I came across a Hair Bump Destroying Solution made by Beauty 4 Ashes Christian Health & Beauty Co. that worked extremely fast on my bumps. As with all things, the best products are often the hardest to find, because they are less marketed, due to their effectiveness. But, I recommend that you find this product. Hopefully, I can save you from wasting a lot of money. Their website is

Step तवो

Step Two: Keep the infected area bacteria-free. You can accomplish this by washing the infected area with a bacteria-killing soap, such as SafeGuard. As with all things, the sooner in the process you start trying to get rid of your face, aftershave, neck, bikini and razor bumps, the quicker they will be gone. The biggest mistake most people make when it comes to face, aftershave, neck, bikini and razor bumps is trying to ignore that they exist. This can prove to be a costly mistake, literally and physically, because ignoring your razor bumps with continuous shaving only allows the infected area to grow larger in size and become more infected.

Step थ्री

Step 3: Be Persistant!